Chill Vibes

Saturday, October 1, 2016

More about me pt.3

I gave up on the questionnaire with 101 questions. So now I'm doing one that has 155. Don't ask why. I don't know why either.

The ask/send a number to inbox questionanaire!!! - alexnotsosecretworld

1. Full name:
Melissa Ann Mercado Isla

2. Zodiac sign:

3. 3 fears:
Being lonely for a long time, feeling like I've been used again

4. 3 things
I don't get it but ok three things. Cheese, chocolate, tea

5. 4 turn on's
intelligence, good sense of humor, likes kpop, gives good hugs

6. 4 turn off's
being ignorant and close-minded, doesn't like animals, a rude attitude, being impatient af

7. My best friend?
Do multiple best friends count?

8. Sexual orientation?

9. My best first date?
HAHAHAHA THAT'S HILARIOUS. Never went on a date.

10. How tall am I?
5' yeup short af. It's a blessing and challenge.

11. What do I miss?
My mom's cooking, milk tea from Milpitas

12. What time was I born?
I honestly have no idea. My parents lost my birth certificate. Oops.

13. Favorite color?

14. Do I have a crush?
Sadly yes. Why sadly? Because I overthink shit that's why. But yeah I do.

15. Favorite quote?
"Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore I am." - René Descartes

16. Favorite place?
A buffet.

17. Favorite food?

18. Do I use sarcasm?
Well I don't know. Do I?

19. What am I listening to now?
Epik High's version of Eyes, Nose, Lips.

20. First thing I notice in new person?
The way the person talks.

21. Shoe size?
Women: 5 Men: 2

22. Eye color?

23. Hair color?
Black with a faded red color on the ends

24. Favorite style of clothing?

25. Ever done a prank call?

26. What color of underwear I'm wearing now?
O__O um pink... getting a bit curious to why that question.

27. Meaning behind my URL?
I'm always feeling emotions because I'm an emotional person.

28. Favorite movie?

29. Favorite song?
Don't have one.

30. Favorite band?
SHINee <3 They're not a band but a kpop group with 5 adorable idiots that I love.

31. How I feel right now?
Cold because it's cold in the living room, a cramped feeling in my left leg

32. Someone I love.
Just go through the Emotions gmfu tag. You get the idea.

33. My current relationship status.
Single af. Probably gonna stay single af for the rest of my life tbh...

34. My relationship with my parents.
Eh. It's ok. They love me, I love them. Pretty much.

35. Favorite holiday.
Thanksgiving. Because food.

36. Tattoos and piercings I have.
I have two piercings. One on each ear lobe.

37. Tattoos and piercings I want.
I dunno about tattoos. It's a big commitment to get one. I want an upper lobe one on my left ear and a helix on my right ear.

38. The reason I joined Blogger.
Read my intro lol

39. Do I and my last ex hate each other?
LOL what ex. Never had one.

40. Do I ever get "good morning" or "good night" texts?
Not everyday. Sometimes yeah.

41. Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?

42. When did I last hold hands?
In church.

43. How long does it take for me to get ready in the morning?
like 20 mins if I'm rushing. An hour and 30 mins if I'm not.

44. Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?
Yeup. Gotta shave them soon.

45. Where am I right now?
In the living room of my apartment.

46. If I were drunk & can't stand, who's taking care of me?
One of my best friends. Genevieveeeeeeeeee <3

47. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
Depends on the situation.

48. Do I live with my mom or dad?
Neither. I'm on my own in the city.

49. Am I excited for anything?
Not really...

50. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
Mhm. It's cool. We can talk about anything. Literally anything haha.

51. How often do I wear a fake smile?
I used to wear a fake smile but I don't anymore. I'll save the explanation for another post.

52. When was the last time I hugged someone?
When my friend Lisa and I had to go our separate ways after going out to eat lunch.

53. What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
Well nothing would happen because I never kissed anyone LOOOOOL

54. Is there anyone I trust even though I shouldn't?
Nope. I'm very selective with who I trust.

55. What is something I disliked about today?
Nothing really. Today was ok.

56. If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
SHINee <3

57. What do I think about the most?
Feelings for this dude. lol oops. He won't read this anyway.

58. What's my strangest talent?
I can eat a lot of things. Except raw oysters and internal organs except intestines.

59. Do I have any strange phobias?
I really hate things that squirm like worms.

60. Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
In front~

61. What was the last lie I told?
I don't love him. LOL. Nothing much happening after I admitted it. Just the same shit with stronger feelings. Yah know, insecurities about myself and all that.

62. Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Talking on the phone. OH  MY GOODNESS. I'm sorry I can't but think of those late nights I'm so sorry I just think about it automatically because it happened so many times haha.

63. Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yes to both.

64. Do I believe in magic?
In a sense yes.

65. Do I believe in luck?

66. What's the weather like right now?
Cold and windy

67. What was the last book I read?
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

68. Do I like the smell of gasoline?
Ew nope.

69. Do I have any nicknames?

70. What was the worse injury I've ever had?
When I was younger, I was at the park and I slipped off of this balance thingy and scraped my knee. There was a lot of blood LOL.

71. Do I spend money or save it?
I save because I'm a broke-ass college student.

72. Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
Ouch stretching my tongue feels weird. No I can't.

73. Is there anything pink 10 feet from me?
A bag and I guess my underwear? O_O

74. Favorite animal?
Hamsters <3 I wish I could be fat and cute and sleep all day.

75. What was I doing at 12AM?

76. What do I think Satan's last name is?
I dunno lol Probably something in Latin

77. What's a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Bestie - Love options KDT <3 Good times and good vibes :3

78. How can you win my heart?
WELL. Just like kpop. You automatically win my heart. And food. And hugs. Really nice ones.

79. What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
"Her presence is like sunlight, bright and beautiful." or "She is the bright star in my dark night."

80. What is my favorite word?
Happy or Beautiful

81. My top 5 blogs on tumblr?
I just scroll down my dash and reblog whatever I like. I don't have a favorite blog.

82. If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Can someone help me pay for college and med school?

83. Do I have any relatives in jail?
I hope not...

84. I accidentally ate some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that  they endow me with the superpower of my choice! What is that power?
To be invisible. I'm such a stalker :3 But yah know free rides to places~

85. What would be a question I'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
I'm really open and honest most of the time but if specific people ask me "Do you like anyone?" then I straight up say no. LOL

86. What is my current desktop picture?
A picture of SHINee all sexy lookin.

87. Had sex?
Nope. Probably never will and stay a virgin my entire life.

88. Bought condoms?
No. Never needed to buy them anyway lol

89. Gotten pregnant?
THANK GOODNESS NO. My life would've been difficult now if I got pregnant now.

90. Failed a class?
Yeup. In 5th grade. I failed cuz I procrastinated. Oops.

91. Kissed a boy?
Nope. Never will cuz I'm a potato.

92. Kissed a girl?
Nope. I don't go that way.

93. Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
Nope. Lip virgin affffff

94. Had a job?
NO IM SO PISSED I NEVER HAD ONE OMFG. My parents were so against me getting a job.

95. Left the house without my wallet?
Yeah cuz my mom had money lol

96. Bullied someone on the Internet?
Nope. If you're gonna talk shit, then at least tell me who you are you coward.

97. Had sex in public?
Uh no I'm still a virgin. Even if I wasn't, exhibition isn't my thing.

98. Played on a sports team?
Yeup. Basketball, softball, and track. Man I miss working out.

99. Smoked weed?
No but I'd be interested in trying it once. I'm not really into smoking in general cuz I love my lungs.

100. Did drugs?
I overdosed on cough syrup before. #badassaf

101. Smoked cigarettes?
Ew no. Nasty shit.

102. Drank alcohol?
Yeup. I'm light weight though cuz I'm a tiny person.

103. Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
Nah. Cuz bacon and steak.

104. Been overweight?

105. Been underweight?
Yeup. When I was younger like around elementary school, I used to be really skinny because I was a picky eater. Now I can eat almost anything haha

106. Been to a wedding?
Yeup. They're really cute.

107. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
Yeah for this AP Government partner project with one of my best friends. I was awake for more than 24 hours.

108. Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
Yeup. I don't watch TV that often so when I do find something interesting on TV, I can watch for hours.

109. Been outside my home country?
Nope but I would love to travel around the world with my family. My parents deserve it, especially my mom.

110. Gotten my heart broken?
Oh yeah definitely. Plenty of times. It's the reason why I've been single my entire life and don't like the idea of me being in a relationship. I'm insecure about stuff like that obviously lol.

111. Been to a professional sports game?
Yeah but sports isn't my thing.

112. Broken a bone?
Thank goodness no.

113. Cut myself?
No... I was too scared to do that back then when I was really depressed. I bruised myself instead.

114. Been to prom?
Hell yeah. Lit af. I was wild at prom hehe. KDT fam made prom lit. The middle of the dance floor was so hot omg. Grinding trains and circles are fun just sayin ;)

115. Been in an airplane?
Yeup. It was kewls.

116. Fly by helicopter?
No but that sounds like fun~

117. What concerts have I been to?
SM Town concert in LA. I SAW SHINEE LIVE THATS LIKE. UGH. TALENT AND HAPPINESS AND FEELS. I lost my voice the day after hehe.

118. Had a crush on someone of the same sex?

119. Learned another language?
Nah. Tried to but I was busy with other stuff like kpop and kdramas :3

120. Wore make up?
Yeh. It makes me look like my age.

121. Lost my virginity before I was 18?
Omg no. I had more important things like education and KDT. LOL

122. Had oral sex?
Uh no I'm a virgin LOOOL

123. Dyed my hair?
Yus. A black, brown, red ombre. I wanna dye my hair pastel purple~

124. Voted in a presidential election?

125. Rode in an ambulance?
No. I might later on cuz I wanna be a surgeon.

126. Had a surgery?
Yeup. Oral surgery for this stubborn tooth that wouldn't grow out. Now it is and I'm happy I got that surgery or else I would've waited maybe more than 5 years for the stupid tooth to grow out.

127. Met someone famous?
YEAH. Politically famous. Mike Hondaaaa. He's such a cool person hehe.

128. Stalked someone on a social network?
Well duh. Everyone does that.

129. Peed outside?
Well yeah. So difficult for people with vaginas to pee. Struggles...

130. Been fishing?
Nooooooo. It looks really boring.

131. Helped with charity?
Yes it's a wonderful thing to do~~

132. Been rejected by a crush?
Hahaha. Yeah. Plenty of times.

133. Broken a mirror?
No because I'm not that ugly.

134. What do I want for my birthday?
A few hoodies from universities (I love hoodies omgg), tickets to a kpop concert, lace tights, a hamster, chokers, dark lipsticks, eyeliner, a nice hug from a special someone and some time with him~ (ugh kill me now feelings go away leave)

135. How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
Three or maybe four. I dunno their names lol. Depends on the gender.

136. Was I named after anyone?

137. Do I like my handwriting?
Eh. It's ok.

138. What was my favorite toy as a child?
A book because I was always reading.

139. Favorite TV show?
Don't have one but I like watching the cooking channel.

140. Where do I want to live when I'm older?
In the city.

141. Play any musical instrument?
Does my voice count? LOL

142. One of my scars, how did I get it?
The little kitty scratched me cuz she wanted to play. It's ok because I can't get mad at anything that's cute.

143. Favorite pizza topping?
Anything with meat on it~

144. Am I afraid of the dark?
Sometimes yeah...

145. Am I afraid of heights?
Nope thankfully.

146. Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
Hell yeah haha.

147. Have I ever tried my hardest and then got disappointed in the end?
Yeah, it's sucks...

148. What I'm really bad at.

149. What my greatest achievements are.
Getting over depression, graduating from high school, somehow passing my classes in college so far

150. The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me.
You're stupid.

151. What I'd do if I won in a lottery.
Pay off my parents' bills, take my family on a trip, buy a house, buy my mom a Louis Vuitton purse, buy my dad that one car he wants lol, buy my sister a huge stuffed animal from sanrio, buy my brother whatever he wants because my family doesn't spend much money on him and I feel bad, buy my grandma some new clothes and warm blanket, buy a shit load of kpop albums, travel to South Korea for a week or two, go to a kpop concert, clothes, and food.

152. What do I like about myself?
I like that I'm a loving, understanding, and passionate person.

153. My closest tumblr friend.
Don't have one.

154. Something I fantasize about.
Haha. It's a bit rated R.

155. Any question you'd like
Can you help me pay for college and med school?

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