Chill Vibes

Saturday, January 7, 2017

More about me pt. 7

Hella cute questions - questionnaireobsession

1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Either my dad or sister at church lol

2. Are you outgoing or shy?
It really depends on the situation for me.

3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My friends from sfsu~

4. Are you easy to get along with?
Yeah, I'm pretty an easy going person.

5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Honestly, I think so... I hope so... But I'm not that difficult to deal with when I get drunk lol

6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People that are really chill and also like kpop LOL

7. Do you think you'll be in a relationship two months from now?
HAHAHA. Hell no.

8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
This guy that I like lol

9. Does taking about sex make you feel uncomfortable?
Depends on who I'm talking to LOL

10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My Utah friend.

11. What does your most recent text say?
"Waaaaow LOL"

12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Hyorin ft. Jay Park - One Step
Neyo - Sexy Love
Chancellor ft. Dok2 - Murda
Chancellor ft. Lyn - Surrender

13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah cuz it's pretty long.

14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?

15. What good thing happened this summer?
I'm friends again with this guy that I had problems with for like a majority of my second semester of senior year in high school. Ugh. I hated that semester. Kinda. KDT made it bearable <3

16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

17. Do you think there's life on other planets?
Yeup. If there's life on this planet, then for sure on others too.

18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Nah. He was an asshole to me back in elementary school. But we talked at my reunion picnic from my private school days. It's cool.

19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yes~ I love bubble baths :3

20. Do you like your neighbors?
Well I don't like one of my roommates in my apartment LOL

21. What are your bad habits?
Overthinking and procrastinating.

22. Where would you like to travel?
Now that I live in San Francisco, I would love to travel to big cities like New York or Tokyo or Seoul. I love the city life.

23. Do you have trust issues?
Yeup. I'm picky with who I trust.

24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Sleeping and eating.

25. What part of your body are you the most uncomfortable with?
My hands. They're so scarred from my eczema.

26. What do you do when you wake up?
Hit the snooze button.

27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Neither. I love my skin~

28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My friends.

29. Have any of your ex's told you they regret breaking up?
PFFFF PLZ. I've never been in a relationship...

30. Do you ever want to get married?
Honestly yes but I don't think I will be so I already accepted that and already satisfied with being independent.

31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
I think you mean *Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? And yes it is. I think it reaches my butt.

32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
So I'm not into threesomes because I like things to be intimate one-on-one but if I would, then Bobby from iKON and S.Coups from Seventeen.

33. Spell your name with your chin.
mjel8iwsswas Close enough lol

34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Ew no I don't do sports.

35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
I don't watch TV anymore so obviously TV.

36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Like right now with the guy I like so yeah lol

37. What do you say during awkward silences?

38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Mmm... A guy that can make mentally stimulate me. Someone that can make me smile, have intellectual and deep conversations with, and is open-minded. Oh and I really like dorky smart guys. Intelligence is a big turn on for me.

39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Hot Topic, Papaya, Forever 21, and Express.

40. What do you want to do after high school?
I already graduated lol

41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
If the other person wants to have a second chance then yes.

42. If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
I'm either sad about something and I'm overthinking or imagining some random scenario.

43. Do you smile at strangers?
At times yes.

44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Bottom of the ocean. At least you won't run out of food or water and you'll probably be able to find shelter somewhere if you get lost.

45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My hunger and the fact that I'm spending thousands of dollars to get a degree.

46. What are you paranoid about?
My shitty GPA lol

47. Have you ever been high?
Second-hand when I accidentally inhaled a shit load of smoke from weed. I live in San Francisco. It was bound to happen someday.

48. Have you ever been drunk?
Yes. I'm the emotional drunk LOL

49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
From the top of my head nope.

50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?

51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Yeah but it just came as a thought. Not really much of a desire.

52. One things you could change about yourself?
To get rid of my procrastination problem LOL

53. Favorite makeup brand?
Kat Von D. I'm in love with her liquid lip stuff <3

54. Favorite store?
I don't think I have a favorite store...

55. Favorite blog?
I don't have one.

56. Favorite color?
Greeeeeeen :3

57. Favorite food?

58. Last thing you ate?

59. First thing you ate this morning?
Oatmeal with chocolate.

60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yes I have twice for the same competition. I got two of my poems published in elementary school. Go me.

61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nah I'm a good kid. I'm not that stupid.

62. Been arrested? For what?
Nothing. (So far LOL jk)

63. Ever been in love?
Eh it really depends on the person's definition of love. Yeah for me, it sucks lol. For other people, I'm happy for those people that are in love. As for me, nah. I think that love is stupid for me. I can't see myself in a relationship after going through shit. But I'm ok with it. I'm accepting reality. I'll never be in a relationship and it's fine.

64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Uh. All I'm gonna say is that it was in a car and felt AMAZING along with other things besides the kiss ;)

65. Are you hungry right now?

66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Nope. Sorry Tumblr friends...

67. Facebook or Twitter?

68. Twitter or Tumblr?

69. Are you watching TV right now?
Nah. I don't watch TV that often.

70. Names of your best friends?
Uh nah.

71. Craving something? What?
Korean food~

72. What color are your towels?
A rainbow of colors~

72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Waow the original poster messed up on the numbering LOL Two normally.

73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I didn't before but I do now :3

74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I think 7, not including my Link "plush". It's not soft at all.

75. Favorite animal?

76. What color is your underwear?
Hot pink.

77. Chocolate or Vanilla?

78. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint Chip.

79. What color shirt are you wearing?

80. What color pants?

81. Favorite TV show?
I don't watch TV.

82. Favorite movie?

83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
I've never seen Mean Girls 2 so Mean Girls.

84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
I've never seen 21 Jump Street so Mean Girls.

85. Favorite character from Mean Girls?
I think her name is Gretchen. LOOL her.

86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo?

87. First person you talked to today?
My dad.

88. Last person you talked to today?
My sister.

89. Name a person you hate?

90. Name a person you love?
I have someone in mind but nah not gonna expose him like that XD

91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Hell yeah.

92. In a fight with someone?

93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Two of them.

94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
A lot lol

95. Last movie you watched?

96. Favorite actress?
American: Jennifer Lawrence
Korean: Gong Hyojin

97. Favorite actor?
American: Will Smith
Korean: Lee Jongsuk

98. Do you tan a lot?
Yeah. I got dat melanin in me.

99. Have any pets?
Yeh. A cute hamster~ Her name is Fried Tofu and Dubu as her nickname.

100. How are you feeling?
Cold but it's ok.

101. Do you type fast?
I think I do.

102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Nah not really. My past helped me become the person I am today.

103. Can you spell well?
I guess so?

104. Do you miss anyone from your past?

105. Ever been to a bonfire party?

106. Ever broken someone's heart?
Yeup. I was an asshole about it.

107. Have you ever been on a horse?

108. What should you be doing?
Working on the kdrama W.

109. Is something irritating you right now?
Not really...

110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yeah... I cried a lot...

111. Do you have trust issues?

112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I honestly don't know...

113. What was your childhood nickname?
I didn't have one.

114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Yeup. Arizona and Illinois.

115. Do you play the Wii?
No but if I have Twilight Princess from The Legend of Zelda series I would.

116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yeup. Zion. T - No Make Up.

117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?

118. Do you like Chinese food?
OMG Yusssss. I love Asian food <3

119. Favorite book?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Sometimes yeah...

121. Are you mean?
Duh sometimes.

122. Is cheating ever okay?
Omg. Fuck no. Just break up my goodness. Don't be that asshole.

123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Nah. I get too lazy to clean my shoes.

124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No lol I honestly think that's bullshit. I believe that people fall in love the more you interact with the person.

125. Do you believe in true love?
Eh. I guess it happens to some lucky couples... I'm not really into the whole "true love" shit because love never works out for me.

126. Are you currently bored?

127. What makes you happy?
Hmm... Making others happy, food, sleep, hugs (Especially from one of my best friends omfg. He gives me the best hugs ;) ), kpop, and kdramas.

128. Would you change your name?
Yeh that would be interesting... I'd change it to Alexandra.

129. What is your zodiac sign?

130. Do you like subway?
Yeup~ Steak and cheese with sourdough bread, pepper jack cheese, and everything with chipotle sauce~~~~

131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Oh wow someone actually likes me lol.

132. Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?
I answered this question already. My Utah friend about emotions.

133. Favorite lyrics right now?
Uh... Don't have one...

134. Can you count to one million?
Yes but I'm too lazy to.

135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Hmm... I really don't know...

136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?

137. How tall are you?
5' LOOOL I'm short af.

138. Curly or straight hair?
Straight hair.

139. Brunette or Blonde?
Brunette since I don't look good as a blonde.

140. Summer or Winter?

141. Night or Day?

142. Favorite month?
May cuz my birthday LOL.

143. Are you a vegetarian?
Nope. I love meat.

144. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Dark chocolate <3

145. Tea or Coffee?
Tea <3

146. Was today a good day?
Yeah it was alright...

147. Mars or Snickers?

148. What's your favorite quote?
"Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore I am." - René Descartes.

149. Do you believe in ghosts?

150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42. What's the first line on that page?
The Chemical Level of Organization. It's from my sister's anatomy and physiology book.

OMFG I FINALLY FINISHED IT. I PROCRASTINATED ON THAT SO HARD. But yey I finished it~ I'm gonna try to avoid 100+ questionnaires heh...

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