Chill Vibes

Saturday, January 14, 2017

My winter break so far

Hello hello there~ As you can tell from the double hello, I'm in a good mood now. My dad might come downstairs and tell me to go to bed anytime soon but I felt like blogging for a bit (even though I was distracted with Facebook and Youtube videos lol.)

So, my winter break so far was chill and memorable. I wasn't in the holiday-Christmas spirit because it felt pretty lonely. Well, you can tell from the posts from around that time heh. But yes, I didn't feel that Christmas spirit. It was a bitter and lonely holiday despite being around friends and family. 

Tragically, I caught symptoms of the flu but thankfully I was still able to hang out with my friends even with the horrid cough I had with my faith in medication and willpower. You know the thing I noticed, I felt worse staying in bed than going out and moving around while I was sick. So, the lesson I learned from it is to try and be as active as possible when you're sick. I had a hard time getting up from the bed at first because my body was aching all over but then I forced myself to get up and stretch and move around a bit because I wanted to get better and also hang out with my friends. Yup, willpower is also a must in getting better. Also medication but I won't go into further detail because that would take paragraphs and a few hours for that explanation. 

I watched a movie with my friends and hung out at the mall for a bit. I swear one of my best friends is amazing at DDR. That'd be cool if I could have amazing footwork like that when dancing but then I also heard that dancers suck at DDR sooooo nah. LOL 

At the end of the night, I had that talk with my other best friend that I really wanted because there was a situation that was bothering me for a while. It went pleasant and fine surprisingly. At first it was a bit awkward starting things because it was difficult for me to say what I wanted to talk about. There were some quiet moments and more awkward moments but all went well and now our friendship is fine~ I thought that I'd be more emotional but everything turned out fine. 

Few days after, I hung out with the same best friend that I had the talk with and went out for some pho (Well I had pho, he didn't) and a Starbucks brownie for dessert. It was chill~ Then some other stuff happened and uh, let's just say that I'm growing up LOL. I had my first kiss (Yes I know, really late but I've never had a boyfriend before so whatever). It was soft. LOL That's all I can say honestly. I'm fine with him being my first kiss even though I expected it to be with my first boyfriend. It's from someone that I really care about and trust so I'm completely fine with it. But the other stuff hehe was nice. I don't want it to be too NSFW with the description but let's just say that it felt amazing. Rough too but I like it rough if yah know what I mean ;) We're still friends though. There were some things that weren't said and I misinterpreted them as something else so it's ok, I understand. That's why healthy communication is a thing. We kewls :3 

Then more chill days with getting over my cough and gaining the weight that I lost from getting sick. I lost four pounds when I had symptoms of the flu. I freaked out a bit after the nurse weighed me when I had my check up because I like to maintain 100-105 lbs as my weight. It's a bit light even for a short person like me but it's good to have something to hold onto if yah know what I mean ;) 

My cousin came over and visited my family for a bit and now she's back at Berkeley since she starts school next week. She made Rice Krispies and also made ones that had matcha. I ate a lot of them. Like an unhealthy amount XD But it's ok, I have a fast metabolism~ 

My lower back has been hurting for a while because I've been leaning over to pull my grandma up for me to feed her and to change her diaper. It's been hurting a bit sometimes so I've been in need of a massage there. I asked my sister to massage me there since she gives good massages to my parents, her former coach, and volleyball teammates but I dunno, I get so ticklish when she tried to massage me. The only massage I got from someone and didn't feel ticklish was from one of my best friend (The dude with the talk and the other stuff lol). Like I dunno I just don't freak out. I tried massaging my back myself and it kinda worked but it also felt like some things that are too inappropriate to put down here so I stopped LOL I'm probably gonna ask him to give me another massage later on if my back hurts at that time. 

So as of now, I'm waiting for my sister's Lunar Show performance with KDT at her school to come up. I'm so proud of KDT and how much they've grown. I miss my KDT babies <3 

Life is chill at the moment (Please be chill till my break ends. I'm gonna cry about macroeconomics.) and I'm taking in all the clean air before I go back to San Francisco in a few weeks and the cheap food because everything in San Francisco is expensive. Even the concert tickets. Well, I'm only interested in K-pop concerts but they're mainly held in big cities like LA, New York, and SF. But since it's an international thing, ticket prices are crazy. I wanted to go to the CL concert with a friend of mine but tickets were $90 ;__; There's an upcoming HyunA concert in March but tickets are $89 for general admission ;__; K-pop hurts my wallet but it's ok. It also makes me happy ~(^o^)~

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