Chill Vibes

Thursday, January 12, 2017

More about me pt. 8

Reverse questionnaire - tell me about yourselves! - marcksman

A: Favorite film?

B: Favorite food?

C: Dream profession?
Neurosurgeon. I'm still thinking about going into medicine instead of nursing...

D: What kinds of music do you listen to?
K-pop, Hip Hop, Rap, and R&B generally. But I have an interest in almost every genre. Almost.

E: Where would you go, if you could go anywhere?
Anywhere in a city. I love to walk around new places.

F: Primary fandom?
K-pop fandom LOL Then there's the fandoms within the K-pop fandoms and I'm in a lot of K-pop fandoms LOOOOL

G: What's something you love about yourself?
I'm a very caring person.

H: Do you have a "type" of people you're attracted to?
People that like K-pop, are chill, and smart.

I: Favorite color?
Greeeeeeeeen :D

J: Pet peeve?
People that aren't open-minded.

K: Favorite animal?
Hamster :3

L: What do you do to keep entertained?
I like to dance to K-pop dances, watch kdramas, and watch videos on youtube.

M: What do you do to cheer up?

N: What do you do to cheer up others?
Huh. Well, the more I think about it, I dunno. It's different based on the person and the situation.

O: What would you see yourself as if you weren't human?
A cat or a hamster LOL

P: What's a happy memory?
Performing on stage with KDT <3

Q: Favorite holiday?
Um... I really don't have one because I grew out of the holiday spirit with I think every holiday. I dunno. Every holiday is like "meh" to me...

R: Present, past, or future?
I'm more of a present person. In the present, you are affected by your past and everything you do now will affect the future.

S: Favorite weather?

T: Favorite book?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

U: What do you consider your best quality?
Being able to cheer up others.

V: Something cool about one of your body parts (including hair, scars, anything on your body at all)?
I dyed my hair twice.

W: Are you introverted or extroverted?
It depends on the situation.

X: How do you learn best?
If the professor or teacher has lectures with info that will be on future exams. It forces me to do my work LOL

Y: What is your favorite thing about life, right now or ever?
I had fried chicken for dinner. I haven't had fried chicken in months. I had a slight foodgasm heh...

Z: How are you?
Craving chocolate hehehe...

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